-- Predicates for the SOMA ontology.

- Daniel Beßler
 is_manipulation_action(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'ManipulationAction'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_mental_action(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'MentalAction'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_physical_task(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'PhysicalTask'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_mental_task(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'MentalTask'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_episode(?Entity) is nondet
 is_performed_by(?Act, ?Agent) is nondet
Relates an action to the agent that performs it.
Act- An individual of type dul:'Action'.
Agent- An individual of type dul:'Agent'.
 action_status(?Act, ?Status) is semidet
Relates an action to its execution status.
Act- An individual of type dul:'Action'.
Status- The execution status of Act.
 action_succeeded(?Act) is det
Set the execution status of an action to 'succeeded'.
Act- An individual of type dul:'Action'.
 action_failed(?Act) is det
Set the execution status of an action to 'failed'.
Act- An individual of type dul:'Action'.
 action_active(?Act) is det
Set the execution status of an action to 'active'.
Act- An individual of type dul:'Action'.
 action_paused(?Act) is det
Set the execution status of an action to 'paused'.
Act- An individual of type dul:'Action'.
 action_pending(?Act) is det
Set the execution status of an action to 'planning'.
Act- An individual of type dul:'Action'.
 action_cancelled(?Act) is det
Set the execution status of an action to 'cancelled'.
Act- An individual of type dul:'Action'.
 event_interval(?Event, ?Since, ?Until) is nondet
Returns the start and end time of an event
Evt- An individual of type dul:'Event'.
Since- begin of the interval
Until- end of the interval
 task_effect(?EventType, ?Effect) is nondet
Relates an action or task to roles that imply change, and that need to be taken by some object when the task is executed.
created(Type)An object has been created.
destroyed(Type)An object has been destroyed.
altered(Type,QualityType)An object has been changed.
linked(Type)An object has been linked.
deposited(Type)An object has been deposited.
commited(Type)An object has been commited.
included(Type)An object has been included.
extracted(Type)An object has been extracted.
ActOrTsk- An individual of type dul:'Action' or dul:'Task', or a subclass of dul:'Task'.
 is_computational_agent(?Entity) is semidet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'ComputationalAgent'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_digital_object(?Entity) is semidet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'DigitalObject'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 has_kinematics_file(?OBJ, ?DOI, ?Format) is semidet
 has_kinematics_file(?OBJ, ?DOI, ?Format) is semidet
Associates an object to KinoDynamicData about the object.
Obj- An entity IRI.
Identifier- The DOI of a data file.
Format- File format identifier string (i.e. the file extension).
 is_chemical_process(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'ChemicalProcess'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_physical_process(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'PhysicalProcess'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_process_flow(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'ProcessFlow'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_process_type(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'ProcessType'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_motion(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Motion'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_force_interaction(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'ForceInteraction'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_progression(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Progression'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 has_process_role(?ProcType, ?Role) is nondet
A relation between roles and process types.
ProcType- An individual of type soma:'ProcessType'.
Role- An individual of type dul:'Role'.
 is_state(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'State'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_physical_state(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'PhysicalState'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_social_state(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'SocialState'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_configuration(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Configuration'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_state_type(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'StateType'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 has_subevent(+Event, ?Sub) is nondet
 is_binding(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Binding'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_succeedence(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Succeedence'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 plan_defines_task(?Plan, ?Tsk) is semidet
Relates a plan to the task it defines.
Plan- An individual of type dul:'Plan'.
Tsk- An individual of type dul:'Task'.
 workflow_first_step(?WF, ?Step) is semidet
Relates a workflow to the dedicated first step of it.
WF- An individual of type dul:'Workflow'.
Step- An individual of type dul:'Task'.
 workflow_constituent(+WF, ?Constituent) is semidet
WF- A workflow.
 workflow_role_range(?WF, ?Role, ?ObjectType) is semidet
Relates a workflow to roles of objects defined by the tasks of the workflow, and also infers the required type for fillers of the role.
WF- An individual of type dul:'Workflow'.
Role- An individual of type dul:'Role'.
ObjectType- A sub-class of dul:'Object'.
 is_feature(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Feature'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 object_feature(+Obj, ?Feature) is nondet
Associates an object resource to features it hosts.
Obj- Object resource
Feature- Feature resource
 is_affordance(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Affordance'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_disposition(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Disposition'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 has_disposition(?Obj, ?Disposition) is nondet
Relates an object to its dispositions.
Obj- Object resource
Disposition- Disposition resource
 disposition_trigger_type(?Disposition, ?TriggerType) is nondet
Relates a disposition to the type of objects that can be the trigger of the disposition.
Disposition- Disposition resource
TriggerType- Class resource
 is_patient(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Patient'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_instrument(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Instrument'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_location(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Location'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_destination(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Destination'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_origin(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Origin'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_physical_quality(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'PhysicalQuality'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_social_quality(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'SocialQuality'.
 is_intrinsic(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Intrinsic'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_extrinsic(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of soma:'Extrinsic'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 has_interval_begin(I, End) is semidet
The start time of I
I- Time point, interval or temporally extended entity
 has_interval_end(I, End) is semidet
The end time of I
I- Time point, interval or temporally extended entity
 has_interval_duration(Event, Duration) is nondet
Calculate the duration of the the TemporalThing Event
Event- Identifier of a TemporalThing
Duration- Duration of the event
 is_interval_equal(?I1, ?I2) is semidet
Interval I1 is equal to I2
I1- Instance of a knowrob:TimeInterval
I2- Instance of a knowrob:TimeInterval
 object_localization(?Obj, ?Loc) is nondet
Relates an object to its localization quality.
Obj- object resource
Loc- localization quality
 object_shape_type(?Obj, ?ShapeType) is nondet
Relates an object to the type of its shape(s). An object may have multiple shapes associated that provide different level of detail.
Obj- Object resource
ShapeType- IRI of shape type
 object_mesh_path(?Obj, -FilePath) is nondet
True if FilePath is a path to a mesh file (stl or dae) for Obj.
Obj- Object resource
FilePath- the file path
 object_color_rgb(?Obj, ?R, ?G, ?B) is nondet
True if Col is the main color of Obj. Col is encoded as as [float red, green, blue], on a scale of 0-1.
Obj- object resource
Col- rgb color data
 object_dimensions(?Obj, ?Depth, ?Width, ?Height) is nondet
True if Depth x Width x Height are (exactly) the extends of the bounding box of Obj. NOTE that we use ROS conventions here: Coordinate systems in ROS are always right-handed, with X forward, Y left, and Z up.
Obj- Object resource
Depth- Depth of the bounding box (x-dimension)
Width- Width of the bounding box (y-dimension)
Height- Height of the bounding box (z-dimension)
 object_shape(?Obj, ?Frame, ?ShapeTerm, ?ShapeOrigin, ?MaterialTerm) is nondet[multifile]
Relates objects to shapes and their origin (usually a pose relative to the object). The shape is represented as a Prolog term that encodes the shape type and its geometrical properties.

ShapeTerm may be one of:

mesh(File, Scale)
box(X, Y, Z)
cylinder(Radius, Length)
ShapeOrigin is a list of frame-position-quaternion.

@param Obj IRI atom @param ShapeTerm A shape term @param ShapeOrigin The origin of the shape @param MaterialTerm List of material properties

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

 has_disposition_type(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 object_feature_type(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 workflow_step(Arg1, Arg2)