
Implementation of a Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) reasoner in a set of Prolog rules. SWRL rules are either described in RDF concrete syntax, or using a custom file format.

Prolog files

parser.pl  -- Prolog-based SWRL representation.
swrl_file_parse/3Parses a SWRL file.
swrl_phrase_assert/2Assert SWRL rule in human readable Syntax as native Prolog rule(s).
swrl_phrase_fire/2Fires SWRL rule given in human readable Syntax.
swrl_file_load/1Loads all or one rule(s) from a SWRL file.
swrl_file_unload/1Unload previously loaded SWRL file, retracting all the rules that have been asserted so far.
swrl.pl  -- Prolog-based SWRL representation.
swrl_assert/1Same as swrl_assert/2 but uses the hash of the rule as label.
swrl_assert/2Assert SWRL rule in the knowledge base.
swrl_fire/1Same as swrl_fire/2 but uses the hash of the rule as label.
swrl_fire/2Fires a rule.
swrl_rule_hash/2Compute the hash a SWRL rule.
swrlx.pl  -- Support for the SWRL Extensions built-in library.
swrlx_make_individual/2This predicate provides a controlled way of creating OWL individuals in a rule.