
Prolog files

esg.pl  -- Event Endpoint Sequence Graph (ESG).
interval.pl  -- Allen calculus implementation using Event Endpoint Graphs (ESGs).
interval_after/2Interval I0 takes place after I1.
interval_before/2Interval I0 takes place before I1.
interval_during/2Interval I0 is inside interval I1, i.e.
interval_finished_by/2Interval I2 finishes interval I1, i.e.
interval_finishes/2Interval I0 finishes interval I1, i.e.
interval_meets/2Intervals I0 and I1 meet, i.e.
interval_met_by/2Intervals I1 and I2 meet, i.e.
interval_overlapped_by/2Interval I2 overlaps temporally with I1.
interval_overlaps/2Interval I0 overlaps temporally with I1.
interval_started_by/2Interval I2 starts interval I1, i.e.
interval_starts/2Interval I0 starts interval I1, i.e.
parser.pl  -- Activity parsing.
parser_create/1Creates a new activity detection parser.
parser_create/2Creates a new activity detection parser.
parser_intermediate_results/2Outputs is a list of activity compositions considered as non-final by the parser, i.e., some new token could be pushed that would render the item in the list invalid.
parser_jsonify/2Converts a list of action terms into a JSON-encoded atom.
parser_pop_finalized/2Empties the output message queue of the activity parser.
parser_run/3Runs the parser for provided tokens.
parser_start/1Starts a parser, putting it in a state where it waits for tokens to be streamed to the message queue of the parser thread.
parser_stop/1Stops a parser, sending an EOF message to all of its threads before joining them.
workflow.pl  -- Reasoning about plans.
workflow_sequence/2StepSequence is an ordered sequence of steps that are steps of the workflow WF.