-- Methods for data visualization

The visualization artifacts are supposed to be generated client side. KnowRob only generates a data structure holding the data and data visualization clients can connect to the topic on which KnowRob publishes the visualization data.

- Moritz Tenorth
- Daniel Beßler
 data_vis(+Term:term, +Properties:list) is det
Creates a new data_vis message and publishes it via /data_vis_msgs ROS topic. Term is one of piechart(Identifier), barchart(Identifier), treechart(Identifier), timeline(Identifier), or linechart(Identifier). Properties is a list of properties for the data_vis message of the form key:value. Allowed keys are: data, title, xlabel, ylabel, width, height, fontsize.

data_vis(piechart(chart_id), [ title: 'Some Distribution', data: [[a,b,c],[10,30,22]] ]).

Term- the data_vis term
Properties- list of data_vis properties
 timeline(+Events:list) is det
Creates a new data_vis timeline message and publishes it via /data_vis_msgs ROS topic.
Events- list of temporal extended things
 timeline_data(+Events:list) is det
Creates a new data_vis timeline message and publishes it via /data_vis_msgs ROS topic.
EventData- list of list of the form [[Events, Task, Start, End]]
 data_vis_remove(+Identifier) is det
Republishes a data_vis object with empty data so that visualization clients can remove it.

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

 timeline_data(Arg1, Arg2)