rdf_tests.pl -- A test environment for running tests with RDF data.

A RDF file can be loaded in the set-up step, and all assertions written into a special named graph that is deleted again in cleanup step.


:- begin_rdf_tests('my_module', 'package://my_pkg/rdf/foo.rdf').

test('some test') :- fail.

:- end_tests('my_module').
- Daniel Beßler
 begin_rdf_tests(+Name, +RDFFile, +Options) is det
Begin unit testing code section with RDF data. Load the RDF data during setup, and unload all asserted facts and RDF file on cleanup. Calls internally begin_tests/2.
 begin_rdf_tests(+Name, +RDFFile) is det
Same as begin_rdf_tests/3 with empty options list.
 end_rdf_tests(+Name) is det
End unit testing code section with RDF data.