DUL.pl -- Predicates for the DOLCE+DnS Ultralite ontology.

DUL is a lightweight, easy-to-apply foundational ontology for modeling physical and social contexts.

- Daniel Beßler
See also
- http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl
 is_object(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Object'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_quality(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Quality'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_concept(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Concept'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_role(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Role'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_agent(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Agent'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_physical_object(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'PhysicalObject'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_physical_artifact(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'PhysicalArtifact'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_social_object(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'SocialObject'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 has_quality_type(+Entity, ?Type) is nondet
Relates an entity to its types that are sub-classes of the Quality concept.
Entity- named individual
Type- class resource
 has_object_type(+Entity, ?Type) is nondet
Relates an entity to its types that are sub-classes of the Object concept.
Entity- named individual
Type- class resource
 has_location(?Object, ?Location) is nondet
A generic, relative spatial location, holding between any entities. E.g.
 has_role(?Entity, ?Role) is nondet
Relates an object to its roles.
Entity- named individual
Role- named individual
 has_part(?Entity, ?Part) is nondet
Relates an object to its parts.
Entity- IRI atom
Part- IRI atom

TODO: not object related, probably best to add a module DUL.pl and add it there

 is_event(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Event'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_event_type(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'EventType'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_action(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Action'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_task(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Task'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_process(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Process'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 has_participant(+Evt, ?Participant, ?Class) is nondet
A relation between an object and a process, e.g.
 is_classified_by(+Evt, ?Tsk) is nondet
Evt- The Event
Task- The task that classifies the Event
 executes_task(?Act, ?Tsk) is nondet
A relation between an action and a task, e.g. 'putting some water in a pot and putting the pot on a fire until the water starts bubbling' executes the task 'boiling'.
Act- An individual of type dul:'Action'.
Tsk- An individual of type dul:'Task'.
 task_role(?Tsk, ?Role) is nondet
A relation between roles and tasks, e.g. 'students have the duty of giving exams' (i.e. the Role 'student' hasTask the Task 'giving exams').
Tsk- An individual of type dul:'Task'.
Role- An individual of type dul:'Role'.
 task_role_type(?Tsk, ?Role, ?RoleType) is nondet
Same as task_role/2 but in addition unifies the type of the parameter with the third argument.
Tsk- An individual of type dul:'Task'.
Role- An individual of type dul:'Role'.
RoleType- A sub-class of dul:'Role'.
 task_role_range(?Tsk, ?Role, ?Range) is nondet
Same as task_role/2 but in addition unifies the range of the parameter with the third argument.
Tsk- An individual of type dul:'Task'.
Role- An individual of type dul:'Role'.
Range- A sub-class of dul:'Object'.
 is_region(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Region'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_parameter(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Parameter'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_space_region(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'SpaceRegion'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_amount(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Amount'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_physical_attribute(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'PhysicalAttribute'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_social_attribute(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'SocialAttribute'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_time_interval(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'TimeInterval'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 has_region(?Entity, ?Region) is nondet
A relation between entities and regions, e.g.
 has_parameter(?Entity, ?Param) is nondet
A Concept can have a Parameter that constrains the attributes that a classified Entity can have in a certain Situation, e.g. a WheelDriver Role definedIn the ItalianTrafficLaw has a MinimumAge parameter on the Amount 16.
Entity- An entity IRI.
Param- An parameter IRI.
 has_parameter(?Entity, ?Param, ?ParamType) is nondet
Same as has_parameter/2 but in addition unifies the type of the parameter with the third argument.
Entity- entity IRI.
Param- parameter IRI.
Param- parameter type IRI.
 has_parameter_range(?Entity, ?Param, ?Range) is nondet
Same as has_parameter/2 but in addition unifies the range of the parameter with the third argument.
Entity- entity IRI.
Param- parameter IRI.
Range- parameter range IRI.
 has_assignment(?Param, ?Region) is nondet
Associates a parameter to an assignment.
Param- parameter IRI.
Region- region IRI.
 has_data_value(?Entity, ?DataValue) is nondet
A datatype property that encodes values from a datatype for an Entity.
Entity- entity IRI.
DataValue- typed data value.
 has_time_interval(+Entity, ?Interval) is semidet
 is_description(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Description'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_situation(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Situation'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_goal(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Goal'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_design(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Design'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_diagnosis(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Diagnosis'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_plan(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Plan'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_plan_execution(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'PlanExecution'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_norm(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Norm'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 is_transition(?Entity) is nondet
True iff Entity is an instance of dul:'Transition'.
Entity- An entity IRI.
 plan_has_goal(?Plan, ?Goal) is nondet
Relates a plan to its goal.
Plan- An individual of type dul:'Plan'.
Goal- An individual of type dul:'Description'.
 satisfies(?Sit, ?Descr) is nondet
A relation between a Situation and a Description, e.g. the execution of a Plan satisfies that plan.
Sit- An individual of type dul:'Situation'.
Descr- An individual of type dul:'Description'.
 is_setting_for(+Sit, +Entity) is nondet
A relation between situations and entities, e.g. 'this morning I've prepared my coffee with a new fantastic Arabica', i.e.: the preparation of my coffee this morning is the setting for (an amount of) a new fantastic Arabica.
Sit- An individual of type dul:'Situation'.
Entity- A named individual.

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

 has_task_role(Arg1, Arg2)
 has_participant(Arg1, Arg2)