A Knowledge Base System for Cognition-enabled Robots
Namespaces | |
graph | |
modals | |
mongo | |
owl | |
parsers | |
prolog | |
py | |
rdf | |
rdfs | |
reasoner | |
reification | |
semweb | |
testing | |
time | |
transaction | |
xsd | |
Typedefs | |
using | DataSourcePtr = std::shared_ptr< DataSource > |
using | DataSourceLoader = std::function< bool(const DataSourcePtr &)> |
using | DependencyNodePtr = std::shared_ptr< DependencyNode > |
using | FirstOrderLiteralPtr = std::shared_ptr< FirstOrderLiteral > |
using | FormulaPtr = std::shared_ptr< Formula > |
using | FormulaLabelPtr = std::shared_ptr< FormulaLabel > |
using | ModalOperatorPtr = std::shared_ptr< const ModalOperator > |
using | PredicatePtr = std::shared_ptr< Predicate > |
using | SimpleConjunctionPtr = std::shared_ptr< SimpleConjunction > |
using | KnowledgeBasePtr = std::shared_ptr< KnowledgeBase > |
using | AnswerPtr = std::shared_ptr< const Answer > |
using | AnswerSet = std::set< AnswerPtr, AnswerComparator > |
using | AnswerHandler = std::function< void(const AnswerPtr &)> |
using | AnswerDontKnowPtr = std::shared_ptr< const AnswerDontKnow > |
using | AnswerNoPtr = std::shared_ptr< const AnswerNo > |
using | AnswerYesPtr = std::shared_ptr< const AnswerYes > |
using | ConjunctiveQueryPtr = std::shared_ptr< ConjunctiveQuery > |
using | QueryContextPtr = std::shared_ptr< const QueryContext > |
using | TokenPtr = std::shared_ptr< const Token > |
using | TokenMap = std::map< uint32_t, std::vector< TokenPtr > > |
using | TokenBufferPtr = std::shared_ptr< TokenBuffer > |
using | ComputablePtr = std::shared_ptr< Computable > |
using | DataDrivenReasonerPtr = std::shared_ptr< DataDrivenReasoner > |
using | GoalPtr = std::shared_ptr< Goal > |
using | GoalDrivenReasonerPtr = std::shared_ptr< GoalDrivenReasoner > |
using | DefiningReasoner = std::pair< GoalDrivenReasonerPtr, AtomPtr > |
using | RDFGoalPtr = std::shared_ptr< RDFGoal > |
using | NamedReasoner = NamedPlugin< Reasoner > |
using | ReasonerFactory = PluginFactory< Reasoner > |
using | ReasonerPtr = std::shared_ptr< Reasoner > |
using | GraphPathQueryPtr = std::shared_ptr< GraphPathQuery > |
using | GraphQueryPtr = std::shared_ptr< GraphQuery > |
using | GraphQueryExpansionPtr = std::shared_ptr< GraphQueryExpansion > |
using | GraphRenamingMap = std::map< std::string, std::string, std::less<> > |
using | GraphSelectorPtr = std::shared_ptr< const GraphSelector > |
using | PerspectivePtr = std::shared_ptr< Perspective > |
using | OptionalStringRef = std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< const std::string > > |
using | SPARQLFlags = SPARQLFlag |
using | TripleCopy = TripleTemplate< std::string > |
using | TripleView = TripleTemplate< std::string_view > |
using | TripleContainerPtr = std::shared_ptr< TripleContainer > |
using | TripleHandler = std::function< void(const TripleContainerPtr &)> |
using | TripleVisitor = std::function< void(const TriplePtr &)> |
using | MutableTripleContainerPtr = std::shared_ptr< MutableTripleContainer > |
using | MutableTripleHandler = std::function< void(const MutableTripleContainerPtr &)> |
using | TripleFilter = std::function< bool(const Triple &)> |
using | TriplePatternPtr = std::shared_ptr< TriplePattern > |
using | VocabularyPtr = std::shared_ptr< Vocabulary > |
using | ObserverPtr = std::shared_ptr< Observer > |
using | ObserverManagerPtr = std::shared_ptr< ObserverManager > |
using | ResourceCounter = std::function< void(std::string_view, uint64_t)> |
using | QueryableBackendPtr = std::shared_ptr< QueryableStorage > |
using | ReifiedNames = std::shared_ptr< std::vector< IRIAtomPtr > > |
using | ReifiedTriplePtr = std::shared_ptr< ReifiedTriple > |
using | StorageFeatures = StorageFeature |
using | StoragePtr = std::shared_ptr< Storage > |
using | BackendFactory = PluginFactory< Storage > |
using | NamedBackend = NamedPlugin< Storage > |
using | VersionedOriginPtr = std::shared_ptr< VersionedOrigin > |
using | AtomPtr = std::shared_ptr< Atom > |
using | BindingsPtr = std::shared_ptr< const Bindings > |
using | BindingsHandler = std::function< void(const BindingsPtr &)> |
using | FunctionPtr = std::shared_ptr< Function > |
using | IRIAtomPtr = std::shared_ptr< IRIAtom > |
using | Integer = NumericTemplate< int, XSDType::INTEGER > |
using | Long = NumericTemplate< long, XSDType::LONG > |
using | Short = NumericTemplate< short, XSDType::SHORT > |
using | UnsignedLong = NumericTemplate< unsigned long, XSDType::UNSIGNED_LONG > |
using | UnsignedInt = NumericTemplate< unsigned int, XSDType::UNSIGNED_INT > |
using | UnsignedShort = NumericTemplate< unsigned short, XSDType::UNSIGNED_SHORT > |
using | Float = NumericTemplate< float, XSDType::FLOAT > |
using | Double = NumericTemplate< double, XSDType::DOUBLE > |
using | Boolean = NumericTemplate< bool, XSDType::BOOLEAN > |
using | String = StringTemplate< std::string > |
using | StringView = StringTemplate< std::string_view > |
using | TermPtr = std::shared_ptr< Term > |
using | VariablePtr = std::shared_ptr< Variable > |
typedef std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock, std::chrono::seconds > | TimePoint |
Functions | |
FormulaPtr | operator& (const FormulaPtr &phi, const FormulaPtr &psi) |
FormulaPtr | operator| (const FormulaPtr &phi, const FormulaPtr &psi) |
FirstOrderLiteralPtr | applyBindings (const FirstOrderLiteralPtr &lit, const Bindings &bindings) |
FormulaPtr | operator~ (const FormulaPtr &phi) |
void | InitKnowRob (int argc, char **argv, bool initPython=true) |
void | ShutdownKnowRob () |
char * | getNameOfExecutable () |
void | hashCombine (std::size_t &seed, const std::size_t &v) |
void | insertUnique (std::ostream &os) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Printable &printable) |
AnswerPtr | mergeAnswers (const AnswerPtr &a, const AnswerPtr &b, bool ignoreInconsistencies) |
const std::shared_ptr< const AnswerDontKnow > & | GenericDontKnow () |
const std::shared_ptr< const AnswerNo > & | GenericNo () |
AnswerPtr | mergeNegativeAnswers (const AnswerNoPtr &a, const AnswerNoPtr &b) |
const std::shared_ptr< const AnswerYes > & | GenericYes () |
AnswerPtr | mergePositiveAnswers (const AnswerYesPtr &a, const AnswerYesPtr &b, bool ignoreInconsistencies) |
QueryContextPtr | DefaultQueryContext () |
QueryContextPtr | OneSolutionContext () |
void | operator>> (const std::shared_ptr< TokenBroadcaster > &a, const std::shared_ptr< TokenStream > &b) |
ComputablePtr | applyBindings (const ComputablePtr &lit, const Bindings &bindings) |
GraphSelectorPtr | DefaultGraphSelector () |
std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > | applyBindings (const std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > &term, const Bindings &bindings) |
std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > | operator& (const std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > &a, const std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > &b) |
std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > | operator| (const std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > &a, const std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > &b) |
bool | isClassIRI (std::string_view iri) |
bool | isInverseOfIRI (std::string_view iri) |
bool | isObjectPropertyIRI (std::string_view iri) |
bool | isDatatypePropertyIRI (std::string_view iri) |
bool | isAnnotationPropertyIRI (std::string_view iri) |
bool | isTransitivePropertyIRI (std::string_view iri) |
bool | isSymmetricPropertyIRI (std::string_view iri) |
bool | isReflexivePropertyIRI (std::string_view iri) |
bool | operator< (PrefixProbe a, std::string_view b) |
bool | operator< (std::string_view a, PrefixProbe b) |
bool | isTypeIRI (std::string_view iri) |
bool | isPropertyIRI (std::string_view iri) |
bool | isSubClassOfIRI (std::string_view iri) |
bool | isSubPropertyOfIRI (std::string_view iri) |
SPARQLFlag | operator| (SPARQLFlag a, SPARQLFlag b) |
bool | operator& (SPARQLFlag a, SPARQLFlag b) |
FilterType | inverseFilterType (FilterType op) |
TriplePatternPtr | applyBindings (const TriplePatternPtr &pat, const Bindings &bindings) |
StorageFeature | operator| (StorageFeature a, StorageFeature b) |
bool | operator& (StorageFeature a, StorageFeature b) |
TermPtr | applyBindings (const TermPtr &term, const Bindings &bindings) |
FormulaPtr | applyBindings (const FormulaPtr &phi, const Bindings &bindings) |
IRIAtomPtr | iri (std::string_view ns, std::string_view name) |
RDFNodeType | rdfNodeTypeGuess (std::string_view str) |
XSDType | xsdTypeFromIRI (std::string_view iri) |
std::string_view | xsdTypeToIRI (XSDType type) |
std::shared_ptr< ThreadPool > | DefaultThreadPool () |
void | InitPythonPath () |
void | InitKnowRob (char *nameOfExecutable, bool initPython) |
template<> | |
std::shared_ptr< semweb::Class > | Vocabulary::define< semweb::Class > (const std::string_view &iri) |
template<> | |
std::shared_ptr< semweb::Property > | Vocabulary::define< semweb::Property > (const std::string_view &iri) |
Variables | |
char * | NAME_OF_EXECUTABLE = nullptr |
Register the backend with the BackendManager
typedef std::shared_ptr< const AnswerDontKnow > knowrob::AnswerDontKnowPtr |
Definition at line 33 of file AnswerDontKnow.h.
typedef std::function< void(const AnswerPtr &)> knowrob::AnswerHandler |
typedef std::shared_ptr< const AnswerNo > knowrob::AnswerNoPtr |
Definition at line 74 of file AnswerNo.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< const Answer > knowrob::AnswerPtr |
typedef std::set< AnswerPtr, AnswerComparator > knowrob::AnswerSet |
typedef std::shared_ptr< const AnswerYes > knowrob::AnswerYesPtr |
Definition at line 108 of file AnswerYes.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< Atom > knowrob::AtomPtr |
typedef PluginFactory< Storage > knowrob::BackendFactory |
typedef std::function< void(const BindingsPtr &)> knowrob::BindingsHandler |
Definition at line 152 of file Bindings.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< const Bindings > knowrob::BindingsPtr |
Definition at line 151 of file Bindings.h.
typedef NumericTemplate< bool, XSDType::BOOLEAN > knowrob::Boolean |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Computable > knowrob::ComputablePtr |
Definition at line 45 of file Computable.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< ConjunctiveQuery > knowrob::ConjunctiveQueryPtr |
Definition at line 54 of file ConjunctiveQuery.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< DataDrivenReasoner > knowrob::DataDrivenReasonerPtr |
Definition at line 126 of file DataDrivenReasoner.h.
typedef std::function< bool(const DataSourcePtr &)> knowrob::DataSourceLoader |
Definition at line 15 of file DataSourceHandler.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< DataSource > knowrob::DataSourcePtr |
Definition at line 107 of file DataSource.h.
typedef std::pair< GoalDrivenReasonerPtr, AtomPtr > knowrob::DefiningReasoner |
Definition at line 149 of file GoalDrivenReasoner.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< DependencyNode > knowrob::DependencyNodePtr |
Definition at line 54 of file DependencyGraph.h.
typedef NumericTemplate< double, XSDType::DOUBLE > knowrob::Double |
typedef std::shared_ptr< FirstOrderLiteral > knowrob::FirstOrderLiteralPtr |
Definition at line 64 of file FirstOrderLiteral.h.
typedef NumericTemplate< float, XSDType::FLOAT > knowrob::Float |
typedef std::shared_ptr< FormulaLabel > knowrob::FormulaLabelPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Formula > knowrob::FormulaPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Function > knowrob::FunctionPtr |
Definition at line 73 of file Function.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< GoalDrivenReasoner > knowrob::GoalDrivenReasonerPtr |
Definition at line 148 of file GoalDrivenReasoner.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< Goal > knowrob::GoalPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< GraphPathQuery > knowrob::GraphPathQueryPtr |
Definition at line 48 of file GraphPathQuery.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< GraphQueryExpansion > knowrob::GraphQueryExpansionPtr |
Definition at line 27 of file GraphQueryExpansion.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< GraphQuery > knowrob::GraphQueryPtr |
Definition at line 65 of file GraphQuery.h.
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string, std::less<> > knowrob::GraphRenamingMap |
A map of entity names to their renamed counterparts.
Definition at line 18 of file GraphRenaming.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< const GraphSelector > knowrob::GraphSelectorPtr |
Definition at line 76 of file GraphSelector.h.
typedef NumericTemplate< int, XSDType::INTEGER > knowrob::Integer |
typedef std::shared_ptr< IRIAtom > knowrob::IRIAtomPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< KnowledgeBase > knowrob::KnowledgeBasePtr |
Definition at line 233 of file KnowledgeBase.h.
typedef NumericTemplate< long, XSDType::LONG > knowrob::Long |
typedef std::shared_ptr< const ModalOperator > knowrob::ModalOperatorPtr |
Definition at line 136 of file ModalOperator.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< MutableTripleContainer > knowrob::MutableTripleContainerPtr |
Definition at line 194 of file TripleContainer.h.
typedef std::function< void(const MutableTripleContainerPtr &)> knowrob::MutableTripleHandler |
Definition at line 195 of file TripleContainer.h.
typedef NamedPlugin< Storage > knowrob::NamedBackend |
typedef NamedPlugin< Reasoner > knowrob::NamedReasoner |
Definition at line 102 of file Reasoner.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< ObserverManager > knowrob::ObserverManagerPtr |
Definition at line 79 of file ObserverManager.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< Observer > knowrob::ObserverPtr |
Definition at line 42 of file Observer.h.
typedef std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< const std::string > > knowrob::OptionalStringRef |
Definition at line 15 of file PrefixRegistry.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< Perspective > knowrob::PerspectivePtr |
Definition at line 68 of file Perspective.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< Predicate > knowrob::PredicatePtr |
Definition at line 77 of file Predicate.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< QueryableStorage > knowrob::QueryableBackendPtr |
Definition at line 133 of file QueryableStorage.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< const QueryContext > knowrob::QueryContextPtr |
Definition at line 41 of file QueryContext.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< RDFGoal > knowrob::RDFGoalPtr |
typedef PluginFactory< Reasoner > knowrob::ReasonerFactory |
Definition at line 103 of file Reasoner.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< Reasoner > knowrob::ReasonerPtr |
Definition at line 104 of file Reasoner.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< std::vector< IRIAtomPtr > > knowrob::ReifiedNames |
Definition at line 15 of file ReificationContainer.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< ReifiedTriple > knowrob::ReifiedTriplePtr |
Definition at line 75 of file ReifiedTriple.h.
typedef std::function< void(std::string_view, uint64_t)> knowrob::ResourceCounter |
Definition at line 20 of file QueryableStorage.h.
typedef NumericTemplate< short, XSDType::SHORT > knowrob::Short |
typedef std::shared_ptr< SimpleConjunction > knowrob::SimpleConjunctionPtr |
Definition at line 37 of file SimpleConjunction.h.
typedef SPARQLFlag knowrob::SPARQLFlags |
Definition at line 22 of file SPARQLQuery.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< Storage > knowrob::StoragePtr |
typedef StringTemplate< std::string > knowrob::String |
typedef StringTemplate< std::string_view > knowrob::StringView |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Term > knowrob::TermPtr |
typedef std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock, std::chrono::seconds > knowrob::TimePoint |
A time point in seconds.
Definition at line 16 of file TimePoint.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< TokenBuffer > knowrob::TokenBufferPtr |
Definition at line 43 of file TokenBuffer.h.
typedef std::map< uint32_t, std::vector< TokenPtr > > knowrob::TokenMap |
typedef std::shared_ptr< const Token > knowrob::TokenPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< TripleContainer > knowrob::TripleContainerPtr |
Definition at line 190 of file TripleContainer.h.
typedef TripleTemplate< std::string > knowrob::TripleCopy |
typedef std::function< bool(const Triple &)> knowrob::TripleFilter |
Definition at line 197 of file TripleContainer.h.
typedef std::function< void(const TripleContainerPtr &)> knowrob::TripleHandler |
Definition at line 191 of file TripleContainer.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< TriplePattern > knowrob::TriplePatternPtr |
A shared pointer to a framed triple pattern.
Definition at line 275 of file TriplePattern.h.
typedef TripleTemplate< std::string_view > knowrob::TripleView |
typedef std::function< void(const TriplePtr &)> knowrob::TripleVisitor |
Definition at line 192 of file TripleContainer.h.
typedef NumericTemplate< unsigned int, XSDType::UNSIGNED_INT > knowrob::UnsignedInt |
typedef NumericTemplate< unsigned long, XSDType::UNSIGNED_LONG > knowrob::UnsignedLong |
typedef NumericTemplate< unsigned short, XSDType::UNSIGNED_SHORT > knowrob::UnsignedShort |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Variable > knowrob::VariablePtr |
Definition at line 60 of file Variable.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< VersionedOrigin > knowrob::VersionedOriginPtr |
Definition at line 42 of file VersionedOrigin.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr< Vocabulary > knowrob::VocabularyPtr |
Definition at line 233 of file Vocabulary.h.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Some data source types that receive special handling in the knowledge base.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 17 of file DataSource.h.
strong |
Some data source types that receive special handling in the knowledge base.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 17 of file DataSource.h.
strong |
Unary operators that can be applied on terms.
Enumerator | |
EQ | |
NEQ | |
LT | |
GT | |
LEQ | |
GEQ | |
EQ | |
NEQ | |
LT | |
GT | |
LEQ | |
Definition at line 23 of file TriplePattern.h.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
An enumeration of reasoner features for goal-driven reasoning.
Definition at line 17 of file GoalDrivenReasoner.h.
strong |
An enumeration of reasoner features for goal-driven reasoning.
Definition at line 17 of file GoalDrivenReasoner.h.
strong |
The type of a builtin.
Enumerator | |
Bind | |
Min | |
Max | |
Less | |
LessOrEqual | |
Greater | |
GreaterOrEqual | |
Equal | |
NotEqual | |
Bind | |
Min | |
Max | |
Less | |
LessOrEqual | |
Greater | |
GreaterOrEqual | |
Equal | |
NotEqual |
Definition at line 22 of file GraphBuiltin.h.
strong |
The type of a builtin.
Enumerator | |
Bind | |
Min | |
Max | |
Less | |
LessOrEqual | |
Greater | |
GreaterOrEqual | |
Equal | |
NotEqual | |
Bind | |
Min | |
Max | |
Less | |
LessOrEqual | |
Greater | |
GreaterOrEqual | |
Equal | |
NotEqual |
Definition at line 22 of file GraphBuiltin.h.
strong |
The type of a graph term.
Enumerator | |
Sequence | |
Union | |
Pattern | |
Builtin | |
Sequence | |
Union | |
Pattern | |
Builtin |
Definition at line 16 of file GraphTerm.h.
strong |
strong |
The type of a modal operator.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 20 of file ModalOperator.h.
strong |
An enumeration of plugin languages.
Enumerator | |
CPP | |
CPP | |
Definition at line 16 of file NamedPlugin.h.
An enumeration of plugin languages.
Enumerator | |
CPP | |
CPP | |
Definition at line 16 of file NamedPlugin.h.
enum knowrob::QueryFlag |
Flags for controlling query evaluation.
Enumerator | |
QUERY_FLAG_ALL_SOLUTIONS | Query all solutions. |
QUERY_FLAG_ONE_SOLUTION | Query only one solution. |
QUERY_FLAG_PERSIST_SOLUTIONS | Persist solutions in the data base. |
QUERY_FLAG_UNIQUE_SOLUTIONS | Filter redundant solutions. |
QUERY_FLAG_ALL_SOLUTIONS | Query all solutions. |
QUERY_FLAG_ONE_SOLUTION | Query only one solution. |
QUERY_FLAG_PERSIST_SOLUTIONS | Persist solutions in the data base. |
QUERY_FLAG_UNIQUE_SOLUTIONS | Filter redundant solutions. |
Definition at line 13 of file QueryFlag.h.
enum knowrob::QueryFlag |
Flags for controlling query evaluation.
Enumerator | |
QUERY_FLAG_ALL_SOLUTIONS | Query all solutions. |
QUERY_FLAG_ONE_SOLUTION | Query only one solution. |
QUERY_FLAG_PERSIST_SOLUTIONS | Persist solutions in the data base. |
QUERY_FLAG_UNIQUE_SOLUTIONS | Filter redundant solutions. |
QUERY_FLAG_ALL_SOLUTIONS | Query all solutions. |
QUERY_FLAG_ONE_SOLUTION | Query only one solution. |
QUERY_FLAG_PERSIST_SOLUTIONS | Persist solutions in the data base. |
QUERY_FLAG_UNIQUE_SOLUTIONS | Filter redundant solutions. |
Definition at line 13 of file QueryFlag.h.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Redland hash types used by the "hashes" storage type.
Enumerator | |
BDB | |
Definition at line 38 of file RedlandModel.h.
strong |
Redland hash types used by the "hashes" storage type.
Enumerator | |
BDB | |
Definition at line 38 of file RedlandModel.h.
strong |
Redland storage types.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 23 of file RedlandModel.h.
strong |
Redland storage types.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 23 of file RedlandModel.h.
Enumerator | |
IncludeOriginal | |
IncludeReified | |
IncludeOriginal | |
IncludeReified |
Definition at line 16 of file ReifiedQuery.h.
Enumerator | |
IncludeOriginal | |
IncludeReified | |
IncludeOriginal | |
IncludeReified |
Definition at line 16 of file ReifiedQuery.h.
strong |
A flag that indicates whether a SPARQL feature is supported or not.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 18 of file SPARQLQuery.h.
strong |
A flag that indicates whether a SPARQL feature is supported or not.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 18 of file SPARQLQuery.h.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
The XSDType enum Enumeration of the XSD types.
Definition at line 16 of file XSDType.h.
strong |
The XSDType enum Enumeration of the XSD types.
Definition at line 16 of file XSDType.h.
ComputablePtr knowrob::applyBindings | ( | const ComputablePtr & | lit, |
const Bindings & | bindings | ||
) |
Apply a substitution to a computable.
lit | the computable literal. |
bindings | the substitution. |
Definition at line 18 of file Computable.cpp.
FirstOrderLiteralPtr knowrob::applyBindings | ( | const FirstOrderLiteralPtr & | lit, |
const Bindings & | bindings | ||
) |
Apply a substitution to a FOL literal.
lit | the FOL literal. |
bindings | the substitution. |
Definition at line 30 of file FirstOrderLiteral.cpp.
FormulaPtr knowrob::applyBindings | ( | const FormulaPtr & | phi, |
const Bindings & | bindings | ||
) |
Apply a substitution to a formula.
phi | a formula. |
bindings | a substitution. |
Definition at line 187 of file Bindings.cpp.
std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > knowrob::applyBindings | ( | const std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > & | term, |
const Bindings & | bindings | ||
) |
Definition at line 18 of file GraphTerm.cpp.
Apply a substitution to a term.
term | a term. |
bindings | a substitution. |
Definition at line 246 of file Bindings.cpp.
TriplePatternPtr knowrob::applyBindings | ( | const TriplePatternPtr & | pat, |
const Bindings & | bindings | ||
) |
Apply a substitution to a framed triple pattern.
pat | the framed triple pattern. |
bindings | the substitution. |
Definition at line 440 of file TriplePattern.cpp.
GraphSelectorPtr knowrob::DefaultGraphSelector | ( | ) |
Definition at line 138 of file GraphSelector.cpp.
QueryContextPtr knowrob::DefaultQueryContext | ( | ) |
std::shared_ptr< ThreadPool > knowrob::DefaultThreadPool | ( | ) |
Definition at line 19 of file ThreadPool.cpp.
const std::shared_ptr< const AnswerDontKnow > & knowrob::GenericDontKnow | ( | ) |
Definition at line 10 of file AnswerDontKnow.cpp.
const std::shared_ptr< const AnswerNo > & knowrob::GenericNo | ( | ) |
Definition at line 11 of file AnswerNo.cpp.
const std::shared_ptr< const AnswerYes > & knowrob::GenericYes | ( | ) |
Definition at line 161 of file AnswerYes.cpp.
char * knowrob::getNameOfExecutable | ( | ) |
Definition at line 30 of file knowrob.cpp.
void knowrob::hashCombine | ( | std::size_t & | seed, |
const std::size_t & | v | ||
) |
Combine a hash value with another value.
seed | a hash value. |
v | a value to combine with the seed. |
Definition at line 39 of file knowrob.cpp.
void knowrob::InitKnowRob | ( | char * | nameOfExecutable, |
bool | initPython | ||
) |
Definition at line 66 of file knowrob.cpp.
void knowrob::InitKnowRob | ( | int | argc, |
char ** | argv, | ||
bool | initPython = true |
) |
Static initialization of the knowledge base. Note that it is important that argv[0] holds the name of the executable.
argc | number of arguments in argv. |
argv | array of program arguments, argv[0] is the name of the binary. |
initPython | whether to initialize the Python module. |
Definition at line 96 of file knowrob.cpp.
void knowrob::InitPythonPath | ( | ) |
Definition at line 51 of file knowrob.cpp.
void knowrob::insertUnique | ( | std::ostream & | os | ) |
Insert a unique identifier into a stream.
os | the output stream. |
Definition at line 44 of file knowrob.cpp.
FilterType knowrob::inverseFilterType | ( | FilterType | op | ) |
Compute the inverse of a filter type.
op | a filter type. |
Definition at line 21 of file TriplePattern.cpp.
IRIAtomPtr knowrob::iri | ( | std::string_view | ns, |
std::string_view | name | ||
) |
Create an IRI atom.
ns | the namespace of the IRI |
name | the name of the IRI |
Definition at line 62 of file IRIAtom.cpp.
bool knowrob::isAnnotationPropertyIRI | ( | std::string_view | iri | ) |
bool knowrob::isClassIRI | ( | std::string_view | iri | ) |
bool knowrob::isDatatypePropertyIRI | ( | std::string_view | iri | ) |
bool knowrob::isInverseOfIRI | ( | std::string_view | iri | ) |
bool knowrob::isObjectPropertyIRI | ( | std::string_view | iri | ) |
bool knowrob::isPropertyIRI | ( | std::string_view | iri | ) |
bool knowrob::isReflexivePropertyIRI | ( | std::string_view | iri | ) |
bool knowrob::isSubClassOfIRI | ( | std::string_view | iri | ) |
bool knowrob::isSubPropertyOfIRI | ( | std::string_view | iri | ) |
bool knowrob::isSymmetricPropertyIRI | ( | std::string_view | iri | ) |
bool knowrob::isTransitivePropertyIRI | ( | std::string_view | iri | ) |
bool knowrob::isTypeIRI | ( | std::string_view | iri | ) |
AnswerPtr knowrob::mergeAnswers | ( | const AnswerPtr & | a, |
const AnswerPtr & | b, | ||
bool | ignoreInconsistencies | ||
) |
Merge two answers into one.
a | a answer. |
b | a answer. |
ignoreInconsistencies | if true, inconsistencies are ignored. |
Definition at line 112 of file Answer.cpp.
AnswerPtr knowrob::mergeNegativeAnswers | ( | const AnswerNoPtr & | a, |
const AnswerNoPtr & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 88 of file AnswerNo.cpp.
AnswerPtr knowrob::mergePositiveAnswers | ( | const AnswerYesPtr & | a, |
const AnswerYesPtr & | b, | ||
bool | ignoreInconsistencies | ||
) |
Definition at line 166 of file AnswerYes.cpp.
QueryContextPtr knowrob::OneSolutionContext | ( | ) |
FormulaPtr knowrob::operator& | ( | const FormulaPtr & | phi, |
const FormulaPtr & | psi | ||
) |
Construct conjunction of formulae.
phi | a formula |
psi | a formula |
Definition at line 34 of file Conjunction.cpp.
std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > knowrob::operator& | ( | const std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > & | a, |
const std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 61 of file GraphTerm.cpp.
bool knowrob::operator& | ( | SPARQLFlag | a, |
SPARQLFlag | b | ||
) |
Compute the bitwise AND of two SPARQL flags.
a | a flag. |
b | a flag. |
Definition at line 391 of file SPARQLQuery.cpp.
bool knowrob::operator& | ( | StorageFeature | a, |
StorageFeature | b | ||
) |
Compute the bitwise AND of two SPARQL flags.
a | a flag. |
b | a flag. |
Definition at line 12 of file Storage.cpp.
bool knowrob::operator< | ( | PrefixProbe | a, |
std::string_view | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 8 of file PrefixProbe.cpp.
bool knowrob::operator< | ( | std::string_view | a, |
PrefixProbe | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 9 of file PrefixProbe.cpp.
inline |
Print a printable object to a stream.
os | the stream to print to. |
printable | the object to print. |
Definition at line 45 of file Printable.h.
void knowrob::operator>> | ( | const std::shared_ptr< TokenBroadcaster > & | a, |
const std::shared_ptr< TokenStream > & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 51 of file TokenBroadcaster.cpp.
FormulaPtr knowrob::operator| | ( | const FormulaPtr & | phi, |
const FormulaPtr & | psi | ||
) |
Construct conjunction of formulae.
phi | a formula |
psi | a formula |
Definition at line 55 of file Disjunction.cpp.
std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > knowrob::operator| | ( | const std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > & | a, |
const std::shared_ptr< GraphTerm > & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 72 of file GraphTerm.cpp.
SPARQLFlag knowrob::operator| | ( | SPARQLFlag | a, |
SPARQLFlag | b | ||
) |
Compute the bitwise OR of two SPARQL flags.
a | a flag. |
b | a flag. |
Definition at line 387 of file SPARQLQuery.cpp.
StorageFeature knowrob::operator| | ( | StorageFeature | a, |
StorageFeature | b | ||
) |
Compute the bitwise OR of two SPARQL flags.
a | a flag. |
b | a flag. |
Definition at line 8 of file Storage.cpp.
FormulaPtr knowrob::operator~ | ( | const FormulaPtr & | phi | ) |
Negate a formula.
phi | a formula |
Definition at line 24 of file Negation.cpp.
RDFNodeType knowrob::rdfNodeTypeGuess | ( | std::string_view | str | ) |
Guess the type of an RDF node from a string.
str | the string to guess the type from |
Definition at line 11 of file RDFNode.cpp.
void knowrob::ShutdownKnowRob | ( | ) |
Shutdown the knowledge base. This will ensure that all worker threads in the global DefaultThreadPool are joined. It is best to call this before exiting an application to avoid shutdown-crashes due to static resources associated with the main thread being destroyed before the worker threads (this is the case for spdlog).
Definition at line 123 of file knowrob.cpp.
std::shared_ptr<semweb::Class> knowrob::Vocabulary::define< semweb::Class > | ( | const std::string_view & | iri | ) |
Definition at line 240 of file Vocabulary.cpp.
std::shared_ptr<semweb::Property> knowrob::Vocabulary::define< semweb::Property > | ( | const std::string_view & | iri | ) |
Definition at line 240 of file Vocabulary.cpp.
XSDType knowrob::xsdTypeFromIRI | ( | std::string_view | iri | ) |
Get the XSD type from the IRI
iri | the IRI of the XSD type |
Definition at line 48 of file XSDAtomic.cpp.
std::string_view knowrob::xsdTypeToIRI | ( | XSDType | type | ) |
Get the IRI of the XSD type
type | the XSD type |
Definition at line 70 of file XSDAtomic.cpp.
char* knowrob::NAME_OF_EXECUTABLE = nullptr |
Definition at line 28 of file knowrob.cpp.